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Für Fachhändler


Ein Vogel

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aus der comp.periphs.scsi-FAQ:
_____________________________________  _____________________________________
| SCSI  |         | MINI  |         |  | SCSI  |        | MINI  |          |
| SIGNAL| DD-50P  | MICRO | DD-50SA |  | SIGNAL| DD-50P | MICRO | DD-50SA  |
------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
| -DB(0)|    2    |  26   |   34    |  |  GND  |    1    |   1   |    1    |
| -DB(1)|    4    |  27   |    2    |  |  GND  |    3    |   2   |   18    |
| -DB(2)|    6    |  28   |   19    |  |  GND  |    5    |   3   |   35    |
| -DB(3)|    8    |  29   |   36    |  |  GND  |    7    |   4   |    3    |
| -DB(4)|   10    |  30   |    4    |  |  GND  |    9    |   5   |   20    |
| -DB(5)|   12    |  31   |   21    |  |  GND  |   11    |   6   |   37    |
| -DB(6)|   14    |  32   |   38    |  |  GND  |   13    |   7   |    5    |
| -DB(7)|   16    |  33   |    6    |  |  GND  |   15    |   8   |   22    |
| -DB(P)|   18    |  34   |   23    |  |  GND  |   17    |   9   |   39    |
|  GND  |   20    |  35   |   40    |  |  GND  |   19    |  10   |    7    |
|  GND  |   22    |  36   |    8    |  |  GND  |   21    |  11   |   24    |
|  RSR  |   24    |  37   |   25    |  |  RSR  |   23    |  12   |   41    |
|TERMPWR|   26    |  38   |   42    |  |  OPEN |   25    |  13   |    9    |
|  RSR  |   28    |  39   |   10    |  |  RSR  |   27    |  14   |   26    |
|  GND  |   30    |  40   |   27    |  |  GND  |   29    |  15   |   43    |
| -ATN  |   32    |  41   |   44    |  |  GND  |   31    |  16   |   11    |
|  GND  |   34    |  42   |   12    |  |  GND  |   33    |  17   |   28    |
|  BSY  |   36    |  43   |   29    |  |  GND  |   35    |  18   |   45    |
| -ACK  |   38    |  44   |   46    |  |  GND  |   37    |  19   |   13    |
| -RST  |   40    |  45   |   14    |  |  GND  |   39    |  20   |   30    |
| -MSG  |   42    |  46   |   31    |  |  GND  |   41    |  21   |   47    |
| -SEL  |   44    |  47   |   48    |  |  GND  |   43    |  22   |   15    |
| -C/D  |   46    |  48   |   16    |  |  GND  |   45    |  23   |   32    |
| -REQ  |   48    |  49   |   33    |  |  GND  |   47    |  24   |   49    |
| -I/O  |   50    |  50   |   50    |  |  GND  |   49    |  25   |   17    |


                        ________________________            MINI-MICRO
       DD-50P          |   -------------------  |      _____________________
    ______________     |17 \o o o o o o o o o/1 |     |  _________________ |
 49| o o o o o o |1    | 33 \ o o o o o o o /18 |     |25\ o o o o o o o /1|
 50| o o o o o o |2    |  50 \o o o o o o o/ 34 |     | 50\o o o o o o o/26|
   ---------------     |      -------------     |     |   --------------   |
                       --------------------------     ----------------------

Vorsicht, der DD-50SA wird nicht nur für SCSI benutzt, bei einer
SUN3/260 und bei DEC dient er zum Anschluss von MFM/RLL-Platten! (Danke
an für den Hinweis.)


 o Termination: The Single Ended electrical class depends on very tight
termination tolerances, but the passive 132 ohm termination defined in 1986
is mismatched with the cable impedance (typically below 100 ohms). Although
not a problem at low speeds when only a few devices are connected,
reflections can cause errors when transfer rates increase and/or more
devices are added. In SCSI-2, an active terminator has been defined which
lowers termination to 110 ohms and is a major boost to system integrity.

 o Bus Arbitration, Parity and the Identify Message were options of SCSI,
but are required in SCSI-2. All but the earliest and most primitive SCSI
implementations had these features anyway, so SCSI-2 only legitimizes the de
facto market choices. The Identify message has been enhanced to allow the
target to execute processes, so that commands can be issued to the target
and not just the LUNs.

 o Connectors: The tab and receptacle microconnectors chosen for SCSI-2 are
available from several sources. A smaller connector was seen as essential
for the shrinking form factor of disk drives and other peripherals. This
selection was one of the most argued over and contentious decisions made
during SCSI-2 development.



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